
Friday, January 14, 2011


With one hand Leroy White held a shotgun. In the other, he held his 17-month-old baby daughter.
Last cheeseburger
Then he pulled the trigger, KILLING his estranged wife, Ruby White, a well-loved Grade 1 teacher in Huntsville, Alabama on Oct. 17, 1988.
Last night, Alabama executed the 52-year-old killer despite pleas from the baby girl, La Tonya White, who is now a 23-year-old woman. He had no last words.
"I am deeply opposed to my father's execution. He is the only thing that I have left that's part of me. Taking away my only biological parent will hurt me more than I can say," La Tonya White said in the statement.
The U.S. Supreme Court had earlier denied a stay of execution.
According to court records, White shot and wounded Ruby and her sister,
Stella Lanier Walker, then picked up their toddler daughter, holding her in one arm and a shotgun in the other as he fired the fatal shot .

The judge said:
"Leroy White committed unspeakably cruel and heinous acts in the murder of his estranged wife, Ruby White. For his brutal crime, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. I see no reason why this office should overturn this sentence."
Prison officials said White made no request for a last meal, but instead ate a cheeseburger, a V8 drink, a Yoo-hoo drink and coffee from vending machines.
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