
Monday, January 17, 2011


She was supposed to uphold the law, but now Highway Patrol Officer Tomieka Johnson finds now finds herself on the wrong side of it.
The 31-year-old admitted to the killing but told cops she’d gunned down hubby Marcus Lemons after he’d become abusive when they’d argued.
Blasting him in the head near a highway offramp, she then drove to her parents house with his body oozing blood in the passenger seat – instead of going to the hospital.
On arrival he was dead.

Johnson, who had been an officer since 2002, freely admitted to the killing, but now she’s behind bars after cops found inconsistencies in her story.
According to friends and co-workers at the barber shop in this LA Times article:,0,4987457.story
Lemons, who has a child with Johnson, was a peaceful man, never prone to violent outbursts.
Johnson meanwhile, was known to have a history of heavy drinking and has been placed on admin leave from CHIPS, without pay.
She was arrested Tuesday after police found her story of the incident to be inconsistent with their findings.
Now being held on $2 million bail, and is due to return to court for a bail review January 31.
We will keep you updated on:

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