
Monday, January 17, 2011


Mommy dearest
  Intense, humorless, overbearing, crazy-assed self-described 'Tiger Mom' Amy Chua has triggered a firestorm of controversy. Now, it appears that the Yale professor has raised the hackles of permissive parents everywhere.
On January 8, the Wall Street Journal ran her essay on how she was basically robbing her two daughters of their childhood. To wit: no play dates, sleepovers, choice in extra-curricular activities. Bread and water for afternoon snacks on alternative days.
 The newspaper published excerpts of her book in an article titled "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior." The Internet erupted in a firestorm of outrage over the piece, in which she described how she belitted one daughter -- calling her "garbage," and threatened to withhold food and bathroom breaks from the other if the 7-year-old didn't play the piano perfectly.
The outrage is so intense that Chua has even gotten death threats, according to reports.

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