
Thursday, January 27, 2011


EVIL father Darrell Evans admitted to slaying his daughter and her babysitter after telling the girl's mother over the phone what he was about to do.
Nine-year-old Ayanna was found by cops with several gunshots to the chests, while her babysitter Lorna Williams, 42, had been blasted in the head. Evans called the girls mother Joan Whitfield last January and told her what he was about to do.
Worried, she called the cops, but as they approached he emerged from the house, surrendered and told them he had shot everyone.
They found Ayanna dying in her bed and the handgun by the door.
The killings stunned New York's leafy Mount Vernon suburb, home to the city's Mayor, who lived a few doors away.
Evans had been charged with first-degree murder which would have meant life without parole, if he'd been convicted at trial.
Instead he pleaded guilty to two counts of murder in exchange for a sentence of 40 years to life in prison.

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