
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Not a nice man
THE New Year rapist who struck terror into into Detroit’s female population with a series of vicious attacks has been busted Cops say.
Raynard Coleman, 31, has been charged with five of the seven rapes reported since Jan 1 and one attempted rape in a related attack. In most cases, the women were walking in darkness to or from a bus stop; police say one got out of her car after it was bumped by Coleman.
Coleman, who has spent almost half of his life in custody, was paroled after serving 14 years for attempted murder, assault with intent to rob and a gun crime in Wayne County. He began his sentence as a teenager in juvenile facilities but was transferred to a regular prison at age 18. Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee said scientific evidence was critical in charging Coleman with assaults on the east and northeast sides of the city, about five miles from downtown.
He added: "We have been very confident that this day would arrive."
It is not known when his case will come to trial.

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