
Friday, January 21, 2011


'Ooooh baby'
FULL marks to Shaketa Jones for coming up with a novel excuse.
But the phone sex defence failed to convince a jury she wasn’t part of a botched gas station heist which ended in a hail of gunfire.
Jones 29, claimed she was having phone sex with her boyfriend, Jessie Cooper, not watching the station. She went as far to say that she was fondling herself in full view of the public. But cops and a jury thought differently. In the days leading up to the attack they’d monitored Jones as she followed the store manager on his bank run. So when the gruesome twosome went ahead with the robbery last May, they were waiting.
Cooper was gunned down during the heist, while Jones was arrested across the road from the gas station. Prosecutor John Guy called Jones’ story ridiculous albeit carefully crafted. And the jury saw through her lies too.
Now the only phone sex she’ll be getting will be with phone cards behind bars.

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