
Friday, January 28, 2011


Really peed off
A BATTLE of the boffins turned stinky at a California university, when one professor was charged with peeing on a fellow professor's door.
Genius mathematician Tihomir Petrov, a prof at California State University, Northridge, has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of urinating in a public place.
Investigators say a dispute between Petrov and another math professor was the motive.
The Los Angeles Times says Petrov was captured on videotape urinating on the door of another academician's campus office.

School officials had rigged the camera after first discovering puddles of what they thought was urine at the professor's door.
A source at the school said: "It doesn't exactly conjure up the loftiest aspirations of higher education. I guess he thought that this was the best  way of making his feelings known."

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