
Monday, January 24, 2011


War on the border
IN A LONELY canyon outside Tucson, Arizona US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in a wild shootout with AK-47 wielding killers. The three-year veteran was shot in the back and killed by a coward. Now, in the wake of the recent massacre that killed six, the Border Patrol are asking why the FBI aren't doing more to catch Terry's killer.
"The FBI is being completely mum on where the investigation is at," said National Border Patrol Council President T.J. Bonner. "We're pressing to get some answers not only for our organization but the family."
 Bonner noted the quick response by the feds to the shootings in Tucson. The feds say four suspects are in custody, pinched following the Dec. 15 murder. A fifth gunman is at large in Mexico. MORE AT ABC
MEANWHILE: Four cops were shot at a Detroit police precinct in a horrific attack that has left Motown reeling. All four are expected to survive. The gunman was shot and killed.CNN DETROIT FREE PRESS

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