
Friday, February 4, 2011


Manson Calling
EVIL cult killer Charles Manson has been caught with a cell phone for the second time in two years.
Investigators are now trying to find out who he called and why, after guards confiscated the phone in California's Corcoran State Prison.
Manson who is serving a life sentence for the notorious 1969 killings of actress Sharon Tate, the pregnant wife of director Roman Polanski, and six others in Los Angeles was previously caught with an LG flip phone in March 2009.
Back then, he had been calling and texting people in California, Florida, New Jersey and British Columbia, and had missed calls from Arkansas, Indiana and Massachusetts.
Corrections spokeswoman Terry Thornton could not immediately say who Manson had been calling this time or could he clarify how he got the phone.
According to the Los Angeles Times officials said 30 days were added to
Manson's sentence for the first offense, according to the Times.
This time he was charged with violating prison rules, but not with a crime, because there is no law in California that prohibits inmates from possessing phones.
Last Summer President Barack Obama signed a bill into law making smuggling cell phones into federal prisons a crime, but that law doesn't apply to state prisons.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill in September that would have fined people providing cell phones to prisoners $5,000.
Manson faces a disciplinary hearing and could lose early release credits for his latest offense.

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