
Friday, February 4, 2011


Dodgy Doctor
A QUACK plastic surgeon has been busted for luring women to the Dominican Republic for bargain basement surgery and leaving them in excruciating pain.
Hector Cabral, 51, was not licensed to practice medicine in The Big Apple left patients disfigured has been collecting victims since 1999.  Seeking out his prey in salons and spas he would chat up female customers -- and then whip out his black marker on the spot to indicate where on their bodies they needed a tuck and liposuction, court records show.
Then using cheap prices as bait the dodgy doctor would encourage them to fly down to Santa Domingo for surgery.    
But the thrifty medical procedures came at a steep cost as the women suffered substantial pain, scarring and permanent disfigurement afterward, authorities said.

Cabral was arrested Monday on charges of unauthorized practice of a profession, according to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
The timing of his bust was particularly inconvenient as he had scheduled several consultations for the week, law-enforcement sources said.
They are convinced there must be more victims and have urged other women operated on by the sham surgeon.

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