
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


A WEIRD woman who tried to pop a live puppy in the mail has been busted for animal cruelty.
Stacey Champion, 39, left one Minneapolis postal worker stunned, when the air-mail package started to move by itself, fell to the floor and started panting.  
After unwrapping the tightly sealed box, they rescued the four-month-old black Poodle-Schaunzer mix pup which she had tried to mail to Georgia.  

Minneapolis Police Sgt. Angela Dodge called Champion's plan: "Crazy."
She said: "It was supposed to be a birthday gift for a family member. It would have been kind of traumatizing to get a dead puppy,''

"It gets 40 below in those cargo planes that get up 40,000 feet. And there was no food or water. Puppies can't go for long periods without food or water."
Champion, who paid $22 to send it declined to tell police why she decided to post the puppy, who workers have called Guess The Star Tribune reports. 
The worker who accepted the package asked all the standard questions: Any perishables, liquids, hazardous materials?
Champion said no, but then she cautioned postal workers to "be careful, be careful" as they handled the box because "it was so delicate."
On the outside of the package Champion wrote "This is for your 11th birthday. It's what you wanted," he said.
She also told the clerk that if sounds came from the package, not to worry, it just contained a toy robot.
Champion was cited for misdemeanor animal cruelty and has 10 days to appeal.

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