
Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In Happier Times
A MUSLIM TV executive, who beheaded his wife "in a final act of domination and control," has been found guilty of murder.
Furious that his wife Aasiya had filed for divorce, Muzzammil Hassan, known as Mo to friends, killed her in a frenzied knife attack, then cut of her head.
Assistant District Attorney Paul Bonnano said: "He killed Aasiya and desecrated her body because six days earlier, she had dared file for divorce, dared to seek a better life for herself and her children.
"The defendant could not and would not tolerate that," 
In the past they had founded a Muslim-oriented television station to counteract negative images of Islam after 9/11.

But Pakistan born Hassan, who defended himself after falling out with his attorney, became increasingly domineering, until Aasiya decided to leave.   
Surveillance video from the day Aasiya was murdered shows Hassan, who stands over 6 feet tall, testing the sharpness of the hunting knives he bought at Wal-Mart two hours before the killing.
Then he lay in wait at the TV station were he surprised his wife from behind after luring her there to drop off clothes for him.
It is not known what will happen to their two young children.

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