
Thursday, March 3, 2011


A TWISTED  couple who pimped their 14-year-old daughter for a minivan have admitted trading sex with her to get the car.
The pair who we will not name to protect the teens identity made her perform "sexual favors" with car dealer Robert Wayne Bearden for the 1998 Dodge Caravan.
Bearden, who was manager of Shorty's Used Cars in Eastman GA in 2010, then waved the monthly $281
payment on the vehicle.
Dodge sheriff’s Capt. Tony Winborn said: “It makes me personally sick to my stomach. The only thing I can tell you is there were drugs involved in this family.
It was some very sick, perverted stuff going on amongst the entire family. ... Rhyme or reason, I couldn’t tell you.”
Both Bearden and and the girls 39-year-old father pleaded guilty to child molestation and got 10 years in the big house.
The girl's 37-year-old mother didn't physically abuse her daughter but she also got eight-years for child molestation as she was complicit in the abuse.        
The 14-year-old victim is living in foster care in another county, the sheriff’s department’s Winborn told adding that "multiple players are expected to surface in the future.
He added: “I don’t know how it transpired up to the point that they were exchanging se) for the car payment.”
“Wayne Bearden wasn’t the only person that this couple gave this child to. It’s very horrific. It was for drugs and for money from other folks.”

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