
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Dr Death
A DEADLY doctor who bombed the Arkansas Medical Board's chief in a near fatal revenge attack has been been sentenced to life behind bars.
Furious that he'd been banned from prescribing drugs Randeep Mann attached a huge explosive device to Dr. Trent Pierce's car outside his West Memphis home.
The massive blast failed to kill his intended target but left him blind in one eye and with limited vision in the other, and deaf in one ear.
The force of the bomb also severed his olfactory nerve, taking away his sense of smell.
Pierce who continues to be Medical Board chief said Mann had carried out his attack in: "Revenge for decisions I participated in on the Medical Board," adding that he aimed at intimidating other members.
He added: "People who serve the common good should have no fear."

Mann, who ran a pain clinic in Russellville, had his license to prescribe narcotics removed after some of patients overdosed.
Deciding Dr Pierce was to blame he rigged a grenade inside his spare tire in the hope of exacting the ultimate revenge.
Arrested about a month after the February 2009 bombing on weapons charges cops found nearly 100 grenades and a tremendous cache of machine guns and ammunition, though almost all of the firearms were legally registered.
His defense lawyers vowed to appeal and insisted on their client's innocence on charges including using a weapon of mass destruction with intent to kill during the hearing in U.S. District Court in Little Rock.
It is not known whether he plans to appeal.

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