
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


SARAH Palin's gun toting teenage salker has been busted just 50 miles away from the potential Presidential candidate's Wasilla home.
Shawn Christy, 19, sent threatening letters and e-mails to Alaska's former governor, telling her she better watch her back - even sending receipts from a gun purchase.
The troubled teen who lives thousands of miles away in Pennsylvania, had been issued a court order in October warning him to keep away from the Republican former-vice presidential candidate.
But in his latest attempt to meet the Fox News pundit he travelled to Alaska to try and get the restraining order against him dismissed.
Mrs Palin’s request for protection, she said Christy started badgering her aides last summer with ‘frequent and persistent’ attempts to set up a meeting with her.

She claimed he threatened to track her down at book signings in Alaska.
Mrs Palin added that Christy was delusional in his statements that he has had direct communication or contact with her or her daughter.

‘Petitioner also testified that respondent has falsely claimed to have had a sexual relationship with petitioner,’ her filing said.
It added that the Republican’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, provided evidence that the secret service investigated respondent alleging that he had threatened or said he wanted to sexually assault Mrs Palin.
Christy was also alleged to have signed off letters to Mrs Palin with ‘your magic enemy.’
It is not known whether he plans to appeal his removal.

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