
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


THE only good thing about Robert Nelson is that he will be spending more time behind bars, because frankly if he was outside he'd be dangerous.
His latest caper was so dumb even experienced Cops shook their heads at the magnitude of his stupidity.
On a serious note, Nelson was already serving a 15-year term for sexually assaulting a young girl back in 2004.
So in a bid to get cleared he approaches another prisoner to injure the girl's mother.
Of course, he approached an Italian American, because he thought the man would have "juice" because of his ethnic background.
The inmate then introduced him to an "associate" called Carmine who would be willing to do the deed for a price.
Of course, "Carmine" turned out to be an undercover police officer.
During meetings in jail Nelson offered to pay Carmine $300 from
his prison account to force the rape victim's mother to write a letter exonerating him of the rape before "breaking her arm, leg, whatever."
Then Carmine was also supposed to find a corrupt prosecutor willing to get Nelson released.
So simple. 
Nelson sent out his first payment to Carmine but mistakenly mailed it to a sandwich shop in New Haven.
But when he finally got the right address at the State Police Barracks, the checks had his inmate number on them.
With little choice Nelson, 56, last week pleaded guilty to inciting injury to person.

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