
Monday, March 21, 2011


FORMER astronaut Lisa Nowak who drove 1000 miles wearing diapers so she could attack a love rival is now asking a judge to seal her criminal records.
Navy captain Nowak used pepper spray on romantic rival Colleen Shipman, who she believed had stolen her man the former space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein. 
After making the long drive, wearing diapers to avoid bathroom breaks, Nowak, who launched into space on the shuttle Discovery, struck in the parking lot of Orlando International Airport in February 2007.
Although she was originally charged with attempted kidnapping and burglary, which are felonies, and misdemeanor battery in 2009 she was sentenced to a year of probation after pleading guilty to burglary charges.
She was fired by NASA as a result, but had remained a captain in the Navy at the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi, Texas.

But in August last year a board of U.S. Navy admirals gave a recommendation to terminate Nowak's active duty and classify her service as "other than honorable."
The final decision is in the hands of the secretary of the Navy.
Nowak is however trying to seal her records claiming they are "a significant hindrance to the future economic well-being of her family."
It is unclear when or if Nowak will receive approval for her request.

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