
Friday, April 1, 2011


THE father of renowned piano group The 5 Browns was branded "a pedophile" and sentenced to at least 10-years behind bars by a Utah judge.
Keith Brown, 55, admitted that he sexually abused his three daughters, who along with his two sons make up the group whose albums have topped the classical music charts and who have appeared on "Oprah," "60 Minutes" and other programs.
Brown's three daughters Desirae, 32, Deondra, 30, and Melody, 26 reported the abuse to Lone Peak police last year after learning that their father planned to begin working with other young musicians.

They had previously severed professional ties with their one time manager, who pleaded guilty in February to one felony count of sodomy of a child and two felony counts of sexual abuse of a child.  

Fourth District Judge David Mortensen called the 55-year-old  "a danger to society," as he sentenced him to 10 years to life on the first count, and 15 years to life for each of the others, to run concurrently.
He said: "I do believe, sir, that you are a pedophile, and I do believe that you are a danger to society."
Brown chose to enter the plea to bring a quick resolution to the case and did not want to "exacerbate the harm" by dragging out the proceedings, his lawyer, Steven Shapiro said.
He added: "I think every step that he has taken in this process has been geared towards taking responsibility for what he's done."
Kimball Thomson, a spokesman for group said: "The girls don't want to make any statements about the case right now."

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