
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


A MEAN pair of girls who hijacked their friend's Facebook site and offered oral sex to boys could be charged with cyberstalking, Cops say.
The pair aged 11 and 12 were once pals with Leslie Cote, but when she logged on last month she discovered someone posing as her, posting sexually explicit photos and asking boys for sex.
At one point the suspects even started instant messaging boys to arranged dates where lewd sex acts were to be performed.
"It was unbelieveable," said Leslie's stepfather, Jon Knight.
"They were asking boys if they want to have oral sex, giving out her phone number and address of where Leslie lives for the boys to come over."

"They pretty much backstabbed me because I trusted them,"added a distraught Leslie from Issaquah, Wash.
"It made me feel really bad like people would think I was disgusting."
Those "kids" all ended up in court on Tuesday and after years of run-ins at school, on the playground and now the Internet, Leslie was granted a temporary restraining order against the two girls she used to call friends.
King County prosecutors are considering charges against the two for cyberstalking.
Prosecutors say it is tough to get a cyberstalking charge to stick because there has to be a pattern of harassment over the Internet.
A one-time incident like this usually doesn't constitute a crime. There are, however, other charges that families can pursue, such as "computer trespass" that are easier to prove.

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