
Friday, April 15, 2011


THIS IS not a joke. We are not making this up. In an exclusive story today, the NY DAILY NEWS reveals a bizarre beat down by five Brooklyn high school girls intent on keeping a rival out of a talent contest. So, they used a padlock inside a sock.
According to the News: "Yo, b---h. I got a lock," one of the suspects, Aaliyah Smith, barked before the brutal attack on Shacara McLaurin, a police source said.
Smith, 16, and four pals are accused of pummeling McLaurin, 17, a Brooklyn Academy High School senior and gifted singer, outside the home of her voice coach.
The attack invoked both smash hit Glee and Lindsay Lohan vehicle, Mean Girls, the News aptly pointed out. McLaurin took six stitches near her left ear, a deep gash on her face and a bruised jaw.
SHE SAID: "I wasn't able to open my jaw. I wasn't able to talk. I wasn't able to sing. They wanted to hurt me because I sang better than her. ...It was jealousy. It was all due to the talent show."

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