
Saturday, April 23, 2011


FORMER ACTRESS Lindsay Lohan was hammered with a 120 day jolt in jail for violating her probation--then was out on bail in hours. The troubled one-time actress was sprung after posting $75,000 bail in relation to her theft of a $2,500 necklace from an LA jewelry store.
When Judge Stephanie Sautner announced her decision, LiLo--in her best role since Georgia Rules--she threw up her hands and looked at her lawyer, stunned. She was also ordered to perform 120 hours of community service at the LA County morgue plus another 360 hours at
a women's shelter.
The Judge said: "Perhaps then she might see how truly needy women who have fallen on truly hard times have to live." That said, she did reduce the charge to a misdemeanor.
But then added: "Would a person with brains put a necklace on and walk out? It happens every day. Brazenness? Stupidity? I don't know. If, in fact, it was an accident, she had the phone number of the store and could have called them back. I see intent here and a level of brazenness with 'Let me see what I can get away with'."
Her lawyer said Lohan wasn't a thief, just a spoiled idiot. Indeed. Now she goes to trial in June and will likely get year in jail.

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