
Monday, April 4, 2011


IT probably wasn't the best way to avoid the death penalty. 
Isiah Doyle was given the chance to take the stand and make a last minute bid to save himself from execution. 
But rather than plead with them to spare his life the 28-year-old told them: "If I had an AK-47, I'd kill every last one of y'all with no remorse."
 To be fair to Doyle, it wasn't the first time, his foul mouth had landed him in trouble during his trial for the 2005 shooting death of a Marrero, LA, convenience store clerk Hwa Lee. 
She'd handed him the cash from the register but he shot her anyway and he told the jury: "The only reason she was shot four times is because the gun jammed.
"Otherwise, I would have emptied the gun in her f------ head."
Later in the witness stand Doyle told the jury what he had told the robbery victim following her testimony.   
He  testified that he told the victim, "I should have blown your f****g brains out."Asked whether he had any remorse about murdering Hwa Lee, Doyle told jurors, "I have no conscience.  When I go to sleep at night, I don't even think about it."

Attorneys for Doyle are tried to convince the jury that his life deserves to be spared because they say he is mentally retarded.  
But prosecutor Vince Paciera told the jury: "Isaiah Doyle is not insane. Isaiah Doyle knew right from wrong. Isaiah Doyle is exactly where he is supposed to be -- on trial for first degree murder."
Needless to say, they sentenced him to death.

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