
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


YOU can't give a baby booze - unless your an Applebee's in Detroit apparently.
Mother Taylor Dill-Reese said says her 15-month-old son was served a margarita instead of apple juice and she quickly noticed he wasn't behaving normally.
She said: "He was a little out there, he was saying 'hi and bye' to the walls and he eventually laid his head down on the table, and we thought that maybe he was just sleepy."
Concerned, she rushed him to a nearby hospital and when he was checked out by doctors, it turned out his blood alcohol level was .10.
That's over the legal limit for an adult driver.
The local Applebee's manager has apologized and the chain restaurant's national office called the incident unacceptable.
An investigation by the chain is being launched into the incident.

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