
Saturday, May 14, 2011


PARTY mom Casey Anthony's lawyer has been caught telling his client to: "stop acting like a two-year-old," and now he wants the judge to switch off some of the court microphones.  Attorney Jose Baez's begged the judge in the Pinellas FL courtroom to turn off some of the audio devices, claiming: "It puts the entire process in peril."
But his request was refused by Judge Belvin Perry who told him: "I've done all I can do. This is America."
Baez's outburst was reported online, during the fourth day of jury selection, when more than 60 prospects were asked about pretrial
publicity and whether they could impose a death sentence

Perry hopes to have a jury in place to begin trial in Orlando on Tuesday, although their selection is taking place outside of Orlando in the Tampa area because of intense media coverage near where the alleged murder of 2-year old Caylee Anthony occurred.
Casey Anthony, 25, could face the death penalty if convicted of first-degree murder in her daughter's 2008 death.
She is also charged with aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and providing false information to law enforcement. She has pleaded not guilty and maintains a babysitter kidnapped Caylee.

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