
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


SICK PARTY mom Casey Anthony was having the time of her life in the days after her 2-year-old daughter Caylee was seen alive. In fact, she didn't even mention it to her boyfriend or any of his p[als.
Anthony, 25, is now on trial for the murder of the little girl. The trial is being held in Clearwater, Florida. If convicted, the hard-partying princess could face the death penalty. She has pleaded not guilty and her defence team has hinted the little girl drowned which, of course, was her parents fault.
Her then boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro told the court Anthony was "Happy. Happy to see me. Having a grand old time" on
the June 16 the little girl was last seen.

Caylee's disappearance was not reported to cops until July 15. After Anthony moved in with Lazzaro and his three roommates, according to testimony, none saw Caylee again.
Lazzaro's three roommates testified that after Anthony moved in, she cooked, cleaned and did laundry. They and Lazzaro said she would talk on the phone but would always go outside to do so. But she never mentioned that Caylee was missing, had been kidnapped or that she was looking for her, and she never asked for help. Anthony told them the nanny had taken her to Cocoa Beach. There was never any evidence of a nanny.
Earlier, Anthony's lawyer dropped the biggest bombshell of the trial: Casey was sexually abused by her father George when she was 8 and by partying after Caylee was vanished, she was...drumroll..."hiding her pain." Her dad has denied abusing Anthony.

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