
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


IT'S ON!  Lenny Dyk stra, a beloved ex-Met, says he'll fight his fraud indictment to the bitter end.
STUPID Lenny Dykstra, or should we say Lenny K. Dykstra. We never liked him during his playing days with the Mets and the Phillies. We don't like him now. We think he's a moron. A genuinely stupid guy who believes he has business acumen. Now, the tobacco-juice spewing nimrod is making a plea to the public through the pages of the New York Post re. his current plight. Oh, you haven't heard? Bankrupt, fraud, steroid accusations, bounced checks to hookers and on and on and on and on.
Lenny tells "the people of the great City of New York:
What I have somehow lived through the past 2½ years, and continue to live through now, makes me fully understand that God would never make someone endure what I have endured unless there was a reason for it. That being said, I was wrong when I thought God put me on this earth to entertain people at Shea Stadium. (Remember? I was pretty good at that.)
 And of course, the sad sack goes on for hundreds of words more in what is by turns masturbation, self-pity and the ridiculous bravado he was known for in his playing days. But ultimately, Lenny K. says he will fight til the bitter end. Oh, and Charlie Sheen bailed him out of jail. Nuff said.
We can't resist this: Over the last two years, they have basically stolen everything from me -- my family, my kids, my homes, my cars, my businesses, my reputation, my money, my life. But what they can never steal is my HEART and my FIGHT -- and at the end of the day, I will win and I will win big!

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