
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


PHOTO: Left, Joanna Hayes. Right, composite sketch of killer of Heather Strube
A FLASH of recognition and then dark. A bizarre Georgia murder trial is showing just how far some people will go for their family. Cops in suburban Atlanta say Joanna Hayes went way over the line.
Heather Strube was engaged in a bitter custody with her estranged hubby Steven when a "man" in the parking lot of a Target store put a gun to the terrified mom's head and pulled the trigger.
Now, prosecutors say that "man" was Joanna Hayes in disguise and bent on bloodshed. This week, her son Steven testified against her and jurors heard a
recording of him asking her: "why did you do it?" Of course, now he says kindly old mom would never do such a thing.
The couple were battling over their 18-month-old son Carson in April 2009. They had agreed to switch the child in the parking lot of the store in Snellville. After he gave her the child, the killer struck.
DA Christa Kirk said: "This person pulls out a gun, places it on Heather's forehead, and shoots her. The defendant, she didn't like Heather. She didn't want Heather to have custody of Carson in the divorce."
And one witness said in the seconds before Heather was shot, it was clear she knew her killer.
"The woman recognized this person...surprised to run into them in the parking lot. They weren't expecting someone to be there, but kind of look at them with a little bit of shock," Kiersten Rom testified. "I heard a popping noise and then the woman that was standing by the car clutched her stomach and then collapsed to the ground."

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