
Thursday, May 26, 2011


THE nutty professor who went on a crazy rampage, killing three fellow academics and wounding three more is to face the death penalty if Alabama prosecutors get their way. Crazy Amy Bishop, a Harvard educated neurobiologist, went nuts during a routine meeting of the biology department in the state university's, Huntsville campus.
Pulling out a 0.9mm she started with those closest to her, blasting the chairman of the department Gopi Podila and two other professor's Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel D Johnson Sr.
As the other's fled, she blasted three more people severely wounding them. Bishop’s lawyer, Roy W. Miller told The Boston Globe: "That of course does not come as any great surprise."

He told the Globe before the order was issued that he would pursue an insanity defense.
’’I don’t think there are any other options much available,’’ he said in February, adding that Bishop: "Did not recall the shootings shortly after her arrest. It’s not a whodunit.’’
Bishop has a history of violence having shot and killed her brother, Seth, in 1986 with a shotgun blast at their home in Braintree, MA.
At the time it was ruled an accident, but cops have reopened the case and amid the scrutiny, indicted Bishop on charges of first-degree murder.
However she will have to face the Alabama charges first.

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