
Saturday, May 14, 2011


A DISGRACEFUL father who beat his toddler daughter to death "because she wouldn't eat" has been jailed for more then 23-years. Andrew Houston III brutally beat his little girl after trying to force her to eat, fracturing her skull and causing internal injuries so bad, that the toddler had no chance.
“Houston indicated that he was frustrated by Briyana’s lack of cooperation, financial issues and caring for the children by himself,”
court documents stated.
An officer close to case said: "This is one of the saddest cases any of us have ever had to work on. This man had some issues in his life but he took them out on a defenseless toddler.

"He was supposed to be looking after her, he had a duty of care and we all hope that he spends the next 23-years thinking and reflecting on his appalling actions.
Houston, 25, pleaded guilty in February to one count of second-degree murder in the death of Briyana Houston after admitting admitted he inflicted fatal injuries on the girl in July 2010.
Doctors who examined Briyana before she died told detectives the girl had retinal hemorrahaging, skull fractures and severe brain injuries consistent with being violently shaken and hit with something blunt, the records show.

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