
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


REMEMBER twisted Luke Wright? Well, old Luke of Buffalo, NY is just about as sick as they come. Luke was convicted of raping, torturing and sodomizing his 23-year-old mentally disabled half-sister, Laura Cummings. He was not convicted of murder but his mother, Eva Cummings was, and she's now serving a 52 years to life sentence. Cops have called the revolting case one of the most disgusting they've ever seen and admitted
that in his way, Wright was also the victim of a vicious, depraved mother.
Chief prosecutor Thomas Finnerty said: "But he knew it was wrong. The fact that he had been abused in the past, the fact that he's mildly mental retarded, despite he was raised by a wicked, evil person, none of those are criminal defenses."
Both of Luke Wright's brothers testified against him in his trial. Edward Overmoyer is starting a new life, leaving behind the "house of horrors" he has known for years. Edward said, "It was really difficult sitting there telling everybody the family secrets and everything else and what I have done."
Edward moved out of the "house of horrors" on Sherman Avenue, where the family slept on sofas, chairs, or the floor. Laura was often tied to a kitchen chair. Now, for the first time he can remember, Edward is sleeping in his own bed.
The family hold their mother responsible for torturing and murdering Laura and believe Eva drew Luke Wright in as accomplice, and ruined their lives, in which they had few friends and were constantly ridiculed. Richard said: "Weren't allowed to have maybe $2 in our pocket to go get the candy bar that we wanted or if we wanted to go out to see our friends, we didn't have much time to do that."

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