
Monday, May 9, 2011


TALK about acid reflex! An angry--and likely totally bonkers--Brooklyn, NY woman threw sulfuric acid on a 59-year-old man Sunday, severely burning him. And herself. Cops say the victim and the attacker had second-and-third degree burns and "had to be decontaminated" by EMT crews on the street.
FDNY Battalion Chief George Johnson said: "They had some acid on them and their flesh was still burning." The duo were taken to the burn unit of a local hospital and the woman was arrested. Cops had released no names as of last night.

 It wasn't clear what prompted the psycho attack or exactly which acidic substance was used. According to the New York Daily News, it is found ijn car batteries, some fertilizers and cleaning products. The stuff used Sunday was intense enough to leave large holes in a mattress, the News added.
The haz-mat unit that treated the two also set up a containment pool - a small enclosure where the chemicals could be washed off in privacy on the street.

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