
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


SHE put her tiny daughter into the microwave and burned her for two minutes, killing her in a vicious crime that left even experienced officers sickened.   
Worse still, it appears that China Arnold, 31, who could face the death penalty for the horrific crime, killed her 28-day-old daughter out of spite.
Prosecutor Dan Brandt told jurors Arnold put her baby, Paris Talley, in the microwave after a fight with her boyfriend adding that her actions were "even more purposeful" than a slaying with a gun or knife.
While medical experts testifying at the trial, the infant was likely in the device for more than two minutes before she died.
An police insider revealed: "This has been one of the hardest and saddest cases we've ever seen. Even experienced officers have been reduced to tears by the
disgusting nature of the crime."
Arnold from Dayton, OH, has been tried three times for the horrific crime after her first trial ended in a mistrial and her conviction in the second trial was overturned by an appeals court, which found misconduct by prosecutors, and said the trial court made an error by not allowing a material witness to testify in Arnold's defense.

The sentencing phase of Arnold's latest trial was scheduled to begin Monday, but will be delayed three days for a mental exam of the defendant, reports the Dayton Daily News reports.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the comments made on other blogs appear as Ignorant and self righteous as the very people who wrote them. Is should be crystal to even the dumbest of the dumb that obviously this woman is sick. The fact, whether drinking or not, that she had no qualms about putting her baby in a microwave which is not what any normal or sane person would do obviously speaks volumes that this woman's mental status is not that of a normal person. Would it not be better to conclude that people who are mentally ill are in strong need of help!

    One might suggest that many of these strong commenting bloggers might want to look back in time at all the viscious, inhumane, barbaric, sadistic acts that Whites committed against Black slaves such as noosing them to trees, cutting off their genitals, fingers, toes etc. then burning their bodies beyond recognition all the while standing, watching with their children these hedonistic acts, many with smiles of glee on their faces.

    One has to wonder if the bloggers who had such Indignation about this case vaguely remember the acts of their ancestors, and whether or not they deemed their viscious evil acts deserving of the death penalty or whether they considered their acts to be that of the Mentally Insane in need of strong psychiatric help!

    One also has to wonder if the Wte bloggers commenting on CNN, CBS and other websites wallowing in the glory of their rightous strong judgemental remarks, ever mused whether the abortion clinics their relatives or bloodlines built in surrounding communities and states, or the abortions they themselves or relatives may have had would be considered any less heinous an act of murder or killing than that committed by this Ohio woman!!!
