
Saturday, May 21, 2011


AVAST YE. The Somalian pirates who shot and killed American's in a deadly high-seas attack have pleaded guilty to the killings. 
But although they sent their innocent victims to Davy Jones' locker, they themselves are more likely to serve long sentences for the murders.  In February, the four Americans were on a yacht in the waters off the Horn of Africa when more than a dozen Somali men and one Yemeni hijacked their vessel. 
But in the midst of negotiations for their release some the hijackers opened fire killing Scott and Jean Adam of California, and Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle of Seattle.
All of the men in the dock however, denied doing the shooting and instead claimed they were victims themselves.  
Mohamud Hirs Issa Ali said: "I did not cause the deaths. However, some other people did. I kidnapped those people were killed by other people. My intention was not for them to be killed."
Instead, he told the judge through a translator, "The purpose was to obtain money."
 He added: "I myself am a victim."
Two others also pleaded guilty and they are expected to be joined by five more next week. 
 "We're hoping that it's going to bring some level of justice to the families," an official, said. "
We'll seek justice here for them. That's important to us. ... We want to enforce the rule of law certainly. And doing so we hope to eradicate the piracy that's currently ongoing off the coast of Africa."

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