
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A TWISTED teen who was caught sexually assaulting a two-year-old girl by the child's mother has been found guilty of the disgusting attack.
Christopher Sorensen, 17, was found on top of the two-year-old with both their pants pulled down, after she woke to find the little girl missing from her bed.
She reportedly yelled and struck him with a plastic sword as he went into the fetal postion.
When Sorensen spoke with police later that day he reportedly admitted pulling the covers down and taking the girl's pants down, but that he then "got real confused."
When the girls mother went to her kitchen to get a real knife, the  Milwaukee based teen ran from the apartment before she could strike.
The Racine Journal Times reports that he pleaded no contest to first-degree
sexual assault of a child Tuesday in town's County Circuit Court.
Sorensen who was 16 at the time of the rape, was found guilty of the charge by Judge Allan Torhorst and faces up to 40 years in prison when he is sentenced in July, because he was charged as an adult.
In court Torhorst warned members of Sorensen's family and the victim's family that they were not allowed to have contact with each other after attorneys for the state and defense claimed threatening behavior had taken place.

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