
Monday, May 30, 2011


HOW'S THIS for piss-poor luck? Meathead John Powell, 25, is at a party. Playing games. Sez to blonde party girl Tiffany K. Startz, "for $5 you can punch in the face." Good clean fun, right? Well, our 22-year-old heroine popped him all right. Poor John collapsed and died. In an Illinois courtroom, a judge ruled Tiff must stand trial after a judge refused to drop charges against her and the party host. His mom Theresa Guy says: " She can't walk away." Her lawyer says (and we agree) that Startz didn't commit a crime.
According to cops, Jimmy E. Mounts, 27, offered guests at the Sept. 25 party $5 to take a punch from Startz, 5-foot-5 and 142 lbs. Powell, 5-foot-8 and 140 lbs., accepted the offer. He took the punch, collected his money and continued talking with friends. He collapsed a few minutes later and the coroner said he died of a
brain hemorrhage caused by blunt-force trauma. Well, okay not really our kind of bash but still, he literally asked for it. She's back in court June 16.

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