
Saturday, June 11, 2011


TRAGIC toddler Caylee Anthony's bones were dragged apart by animals after her body was dumped in a woodland near her home, a court heard yesterday. 
Investigators told the court that they had to crawl through woodland on their hands and knees to get to the toddler's bones, which had been gnawed on and torn by beasts in the undergrowth. 

Dr John Schultz told the court: "The top of the bones, these have been chewed on by animals,” 
He added that despite clear evidence of 'carnivore activity' investigators recovered almost all of the young victim’s bones.
The rapt jury was also shown pictures of Caylee’s clothing which  had largely disintegrated apart from the lettering on her T-shirt which spelled out the phrase: 'Big trouble comes in small packages.'
Later prosecutors showed a disturbing film of her two-year-old's face was super imposed onto an image of her bare skull as they attempted to prove that a piece of duct tape found stuck to her decomposed remains was sealed over her nose and mouth when she died.  
They maintain that the toddler died as a result of being suffocated by her mother with the tape.   
Anthony’s lead lawyer, Jose Baez, had branded the animation 'disgusting…nothing but a fantasy' and had earlier tried to prevent it from being shown to the jury, arguing it could unfairly prejudice them because of its highly emotive nature.
But Judge Belvin Perry allowed it, telling the court: "Unfortunately in homicide cases, evidence tends to be not so nice but this particular piece of evidence, a live photograph of the victim superimposed with the skull, does not have the tendency to suggest an emotional basis for a verdict."
The trial continues.

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