
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


CASEY Anthony's car smelled "extremely, overwhelming strong" of human decomposition a forensic expert testified yesterday. Dr Arpad Vass, a researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, also known as the "body farm" for its study of human decomposition called the smell "shocking" at the trial yesterday. Prosecutor's allege that smell came from Casey two-year-old daughter, Caylee, who they claim was murdered by her mother. 
He said: "I jumped back a foot or two. It was shocking that strong of an odor could be in that little can."

He added that the odor of human decomposition is different than the smell of animal decomposition,  which he was able to tell thanks to a pioneering technique for detecting human decomposition from air sample they developed at the laboratory. Vass presented charts showing high levels of certain compounds in samples taken from Anthony's car. One of the compounds present, chloroform, Vass said was found in "shockingly high" amounts on a sample taken from a stained portion of carpet in Anthony's trunk reports WKMG.
Chloroform is a chemical associated with decomposition but also can be used to render a person unconscious.
Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez questioned Vass' methodology and claimed he had a financial interest in the research he is presenting. 
Until now, the tests had never been admitted in a trial in the United States.
The trial continues

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