
Thursday, June 9, 2011


CASEY Anthony search online for knock out drug chloroform, two months before her two-year-old daughter Caylee went missing, a rapt Florida courtroom heard yesterday.   
The head of computer crimes at the Orange County Sheriff's Department testified that someone specifically searched the Anthony family computer for the words "chloroform," "alcohol," "inhalation," "death," "self-defense" and "head injury" within 15 minutes. Sgt Kevin Stenger also said someone also searched the term "neck breaking," "making weapons" and "how to make chloraform (sic)," using Google four days after the first search for chloroform in March


He added that it was clear that someone had tried to delete the searches manually but he'd found them  
in the computer's unallocated space, which means it is not filed in the normal system, but still exists on the hard drive.
However it was not possible to tell under which username, reports WKMG.
Earlier this week, a forensics expert testified that the chloroform level in an air sample from Anthony's car was "shockingly high."
On Tuesday, an FBI chemist testified that traces of chloroform residue were found in the trunk, and although the levels were not high, he was surprised to find any trace of the chemical at all in the trunk.
Caylee's skeletal remains were found in the woods near the Anthony family home in December 2008. Anthony has pleaded not guilty to the murder and the defense claims Caylee accidentally drowned in the family's swimming pool.
The trial continues.

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