
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


REMEMBER the man the tabloids called The Family Guy Killer? That's Christopher Vaughn and believe it or not, he has not gone to trial yet for the slaughter of his wife and three children in 2007. When's the trial gonna be? Not sure. Stay posted. But yesterday it was revealed that detectives discovered a magazine article at the 36-year-old Vaughn's suburban Chicago home that was about staging crime scenes and "making the death appear to be a suicide."
It was also revealed that the night before the murders, Vaughn--a private
detective--spent 30 minutes at a shooting range. Cops later seized the gun he used on the targets. They found it at his dead wife's feet.

The new information became public after Will County Judge Daniel Rozak ordered the file unsealed Thursday. The records inside show his three children — Abigayle, 12, Cassandra, 11, and Blake, 8 — were each shot twice. Kimberly Vaughn was shot once under her chin, the records say.
And the files also suggest that Vaughn may have toyed with the idea of faking his own death.
A filing from February 2011 says Christopher Vaughn, who had been shot twice, waved down a passing motorist and said he thought his wife shot him. Today Vaughn is charged with all four murders, but his defense team argues his wife turned the gun on him and the children before killing herself. Sure.

As for motive, the couple had not been getting along and he had had an affair with a woman in Mexico. Oh, and Kimberly  had a $1 million life insurance policy.

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