
Monday, June 27, 2011


THAT bites - at least for the attacker of one woman. As she left church in Gerard Michael Landon, 46 approached his victim, who is in her fifties and asked her for a hug. When she refused, he wrestled her to the ground into some bushes and tried to sexually assault her, starting by pushing his tongue into her mouth. So she reacted in a natural way, by biting down onto his tongue and taking a huge chunk of it off.
Needless to say he stopped and ran off, leaving her in the Stamford, CT alleyway.Sgt Paul Guzda told The Stamford Advocate: "It was a substantial piece of his tongue. About an inch worth."

Cops recovered the readily identifiable piece of tongue at the scene of the attack and quickly picked him up.
The weirdo then sought medical treatment at a Stamford massage and chiropractic clinic on Friday, police said, then was arrested after a foot chase.
charged with criminal attempt at first-degree sexual assault, first-degree unlawful restraint and second-degree strangulation. Landon is being held on $500,000 bond

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