
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


DOUBLE murder suspect Joran Van der Sloot's lawyer has given up on him and quit defending him against murder allegations in Peru - citing unspecified differences over strategy.     
The prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway, has now been abandoned by his legal adviser in his murder case in the killing of 21-year-old Stephany Flores.
The pretty Peruvian's body was seen entering in in his hotel room, but never left. 
His lawyer, Maximo Altez, however withdrew from the case saying: "I can not defend this case in the way he wants me to."

He refused to elaborate on his client, who he had been defending on a pro bono basis, although he made it clear that money was not a factor in his decision to quit.
He added: "I thought this case would be a good opportunity to show the world that in Peru detainees are abused, and the Peruvian justice system is very informal."
It's thought a public defender will be applied to the case.
Police say Van der Sloot took Flores' money and bank cards from her wallet and fled to Chile, where he was arrested a few days later, although they have yet to file formal charges against him. 
Once the discovery phase of the case ends, prosecutors will file charges and a trial date will be set.

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