
Monday, June 6, 2011


IT turned out to be a harmless prank - a kid placing an advert on sales website offering two children for sale. Stating that the children had to be gone in a week or they'd be put on the streets, the ad included photos and a brief description of the youngsters.  
But after spending time investigating, cops who were tipped off by a concerned member of the public, were none too happy when they found out that a 16-year-old from Chatham, Ontario was behind the ad.
He admitted posting as a joke and apologized for the prank after he was warned about his actions.   
Investigators confirmed no children were at risk.
A police source said: "It might seem like a bit of harmless fun but you never know who is looking at the internet and what state of mind they might be in.
"Needless to say this young man won't be doing something like this again."

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