
Thursday, June 2, 2011


SEVEN BUCKS. That's it. That's all. Killer Gaylord Bradford, 42, was executed in Texas Wednesday for the $7 murder of a grocery store security guard in 1988. In his final statement, he thanked supporters and said: "I am at peace. We have no worries, just as I have no more worries. To the victim's family, may you be at peace also."
Career criminal Bradford was on parole for robbery when he gunned down security guard Brian Williams four days after Christmas at a Dallas supermarket. It was Williams' second day on the job.
According to Fox News, Williams' mother and brother were in the death chamber watching the killer die but found forgiveness in their hearts:
His brother Gary said: "We have no anger towards Mr. Bradford and forgive him of his crime against our family. We now turn our thoughts and prayers to Mr. Bradford's family and friends and pray that God will give them the strength, comfort and understanding as they now grieve the loss of their loved one."
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal. Prosecutors and cops were glad Bradford was executed, calling the videotape of Williams' murder "chilling."
Next to die in Texas is John Balentine on June 15 for the fatal shootings of three teenagers in Amarillo in 1998.

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