
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


POOR, dopey, deluded Lenny Dykstra. Never one of our favorites, the former Met and Phillies star pleaded guilty in a mumble-filled Los Angeles court appearance. He's accused of embezzling money from a bankruptcy estate.
According to reports, the centerfielder appeared to be closer to leftfield. Out of sorts, mumbling, and incoherent were a few of the descriptions as he appeared with a new mouthpiece. His former lawyer would not say why he no longer was representing Dykstra. We have an answer: the guy is an idiot.

 The feds say the tobacco-chewing nimrod, now 48, although seeming in perpetual adolescence, "sold or destroyed more than $400,000 worth of items from an $18.5 million mansion without permission of a bankruptcy trustee." Whoops. What about Lenny's Player's Club? Never mind. For a primer on his unraveling, check out this
link from Deadspin.

U.S. Magistrate Judge John McDermott asked Dykstra if he understood the charges he received this response. "I don't understand it, but I understand them," said Dykstra, who appeared dazed.
If convicted of all counts, Dykstra faces a maximum of 80 years in prison. A trial date is scheduled for Aug. 9. He is being held in the LA County Jail. He was pinched with steroids, coke and Ecstacy last month too. Bye Bye Lenny. LENNY THE LOSER FACES THE MUSIC

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