
Friday, June 24, 2011


SHE has more lives than.... well we're not sure what, because she's beaten a cat hands down.
Because astonishingly, former actress Lindsay Lohan did not violate her probation and she is legally allowed to drink.
The one time movie star did reportedly fail an alcohol test on June 13, according to TMZ the day after she held a rooftop party at her Venice, CA home - where she was serving hard time her sentence for violating her probation.
But it turns out she shouldn't have been tested at all because it turns out that the order requiring Lohan to submit to alcohol tests expired back in February.
So Judge Stephanie Sautner, who presided over the actress's latest court date Thursday, ruled that Lohan did not violate the terms of her probation in a 2007 DUI case.
She told the idiot star, who at least managed to show up on time: "Having parties on the roof of your house ... is extremely poor judgment."
However, she did rule that Lohan may now have only one friend at her home at a time so no more parties.
Lohan's attorney Shawn Holley said: "She has done nothing wrong."

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