
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


AMERICA will take vengeance against a Pittsburgh killer who murdered three cops in 2009. Richard Poplawski, 24, was sentenced to die Tuesday for the murders of officers Paul Sciullo II, 36, Stephen Mayhle, 29, and Eric Kelly, 41, on April 4, 2009.
The tragic murders were triggered when Poplawski and his mother started arguing about his puppies peeing on the floor. Things got so intense, she called 911. It took the jury just 90 minutes to render it's verdict.  During the penalty phrase, the killer's attorney trotted out the usual chestnuts: dysfunctional, unloving home life, yada, yada, yada.
Granddad was a racist who hate the government.. No male role model. But lawyer William Brennan made some solid points.

Poplawski's great aunt Joanne Duffy testified: "I've never seen her kiss him or put her arms around and show any kind of affection for him."
The prosecution wasn't biting. Most of his grandfather's vile deeds occurred before the killer was even born. DA Mark Tranquilli posed some fairly pointed questions himself.
He said: "I know another guy who didn't know a father in his life -- (murdered cop) Eric Kelly. How did he turn out?" He added that the doting father of three also helped raise a sister 22 years younger than himself as well as his oldest daughter's child, who he often watched during the day after working an overnight shift. MORE ON THE CASE

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