
Wednesday, June 22, 2011


A PERVERT professor who ran a website for hookers told cops, it "was just a hobby."  Longtime New Jersey Physics prof David Flory ran Southwest Companions, which was designed to link prostitutes with johns. But Albuquerque Police Lt. William Roseman said when they collared him about the site, which had been in operation for about three years and had about 1400 members, 200 of whom were prostitutes, Flory told them it was a "hobby."
"He said he was not in this for the money," Roseman explained.
"He flat-out told us his thing was he wanted to create a safe place for
prostitutes and johns to get together. He called it a hobby."   Married, father of three Flory, 68, who has taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University since 1969 and has been a physics professor there since 1980, according to his website.
He also has served as director of FDU's School of Natural Sciences.
Lt Roseman added the password protected site had been the subject of a vice investigation for the last six months after police received tips from prostitutes and johns. A Fairleigh Dickinson University spokeswoman said the school was saddened by the arrest, but did not say if Flory had been suspended from his job.

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