
Thursday, June 2, 2011


AN idiot teen admitted to viciously stabbing a four-year-old to death with a pair of scissors but couldn't explain why he carried out the deadly attack.
Aaron Laconsello, now 19, hacked and slashed helpless youngster, Dakota Lane 36 times before turning the blade on his mom Stephanie, who was desperately trying to defend her son despite being eight months pregnant.
But when he was asked why he carried out the awful attack all he could say was: "I don't know." Dakota's mother, Stephanie Lane, read a statement to
Laconsello about the hole he ripped in her heart.
She told him: "My last touch shouldn't have been performing CPR. He should still be here with us, sucking his thumb."
Larry Moore, Muskogee County DA told KOTV that he deserved the death penalty.
He said: "If there was ever a case that I have ever been involved in or aware of that deserves the death penalty, it's this one."
But Dakota's family requested life in prison without the possibility of parole so Laconsello could live with what he had done.
Jack Bumgarner, Dakota's grandfather, said: "We decided this was probably the best thing for us. We didn't want to deal with this parasite for fifteen or twenty years."

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