
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


A VOODOO loving mom who set her six-year-old daughter on fire to rid her of evil spirits in an "unspeakable act of savagery" has been sentenced to 17-years behind bars.
Marie Lauradin sprayed her daughter Frantzcia with rum and then set her alight, permanently scarring her face and leaving life threatening burns over 25 per cent of her body for a ceremony led by Sylvenie Thessier in her New York apartment. She admitted to stripping the child naked and pouring an accelerant over her head and in a circle on the floor  - a voodoo rite known as "loa."
Justice Richard Buchter told her: "The only demonic presence this child had to worry about was her mother. It's sickening to think of a mother committing such an unspeakable act of savagery."
He also scolded her for repeatedly changing her story to cops, before sentencing her to 17-years behind bars.  
After the attack, Frantzcia was placed in a medically-induced coma so doctors could treat the second- and third-degree burns that caused skin to peel off her torso, legs and face.
Defense Attorney Jeff Cohen said when Lauradin entered her plea last month that his client acknowledged that her actions were reckless. He would not comment on her motives.
Lauradin pleaded guilty to first-degree assault.

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