
Thursday, July 14, 2011


THOUSANDS of mourner lined the streets to pay their respects to tragic Leiby Kltezky who was killed and dismembered after innocently asking a stranger for help to find his way home. The eight-year-old Hasidic boy lost his way on his first walk home alone, from day camp when cops say he was abducted by 35-year-old Levi Aron who kidnapped, suffocated and dismembered with a kitchen knife. When detectives tracked him down, Aron, who works as a clerk in the city's Kensington neighborhood is said to have confessed to the brutal murder, saying he killed the child 'in a panic' after the search for the boy became high-profile
He was busted after leading them to other parts of Leiby's body, stuffed in a red suitcase and hidden in a Dumpster outside an auto repair shop about two miles away, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said at a news conference.
Cops are also investigating a separate incident where he may have tried to lure another young boy into his car.
Yesterday as up to 10,000 people lined Brooklyn's streets his heartbroken father Nachman Kletzky's tears flowed during his emotional funeral speech.  
He said: "Here lies my child. Purity of heart. Very quiet and very respectful. Satisfied and never demanding. My child is gone. I'm in very deep sorrow." 
Rabbi Benjamin Eisenberger stressed the community's resilience and unity and thanked them for their support. 
He said: "I see and appreciate the love from the community. Love emanates from the community and God. We must continue to show support for family."
Leiby is survived by his parents and three sisters, NY1 reported.

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